Charter with us!
Explore Penn Cove 3.5 hour
$145 per person up to 4 passengers
Set sail on a guided tour of Penn Cove. Enjoy the local wildlife and rich history as we sail from the Captin Whidbey to the Coupeville Pier and back. Perfect for families, couples, or solo adventurers, this relaxing trip offers a unique perspective of our local waters.
$525 for up to 4 passengers
Set sail on a guided tour of Penn Cove. Enjoy the local wildlife and rich history as we sail from the Captin Whidbey to the Coupeville Pier and back. Perfect for families, couples, or solo adventurers, this relaxing trip offers a unique perspective of our local waters.
Explore Penn Cove 5 hour
$675 5 hour up to 4 passengers
Whether celebrating a special occasion, enjoying time with loved ones, or just wanting to feel the freedom of sailing, our day trip is the perfect way to relax and have fun on the water.
Specialty charters
Set sail on a guided tour of Penn Cove. Enjoy the local wildlife and rich history as we sail from the Captin Whidbey to the Coupeville Pier and back. Perfect for families, couples, or solo adventurers, this relaxing trip offers a unique perspective of our local waters.
$1,950 for up to 4 guest. Private booking only with prior boating experience recommended.